Organic National Parks Collection - 12 oz


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Ever want to experience the National Parks of America? Travel with Blind Dog Coffee™ to 6 National Parks! 

This collection features 6 different parks and roasts that you will sample when you purchase this collection. Traveling and trying 6 new Flavors from Blind Dog Coffee™, what could be better?

This collection Includes:

1- Italian Roast

1- French Roast

4- Medium Roasts

Rocky- milk chocolate, caramel, and a nutty finish.
Cater Lake - Cocoa, Molasses, and Toasted Walnut
Death Valley - dark chocolate and a hint of citrus.
Grand Cayon - smooth chocolate and caramel.
Yellowstone - green apple, lime zest, caramel, and nougat aromas
Zion- Walnut and delicate hints of Dark Cocoa, Tart Cherry, and Cane Sugar


This coffee has undergone mold testing and is mold free.